Grandmother's Oyayi

The soles of her feet were entirely yellow.

She had been feeling feverish the past couple
of days, complaining of an aching back and a
massive headache to her septuagenarian
grandmother. They had many visitors in their
house that week: the albularyo from two barrios
away, their kura paroko, the mambabaraing—they
all blamed evil spirits that lurked within the 
vicinity of the compound where her house stood.

Her grandmother was left unimpressed. "They
know nothing," she said as she took matters
into her own hands, brewed a concoction of 
turmeric, laurel, peppercorns, garlic, and
coconut milk.

She was forced to soak her feet on her
grandmother's creation for half the day.

The soles of her feet were entirely yellow, and 
she smelled like adobo.


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